Announcing @ngneat/avvvatars

Dharmen Shah
Dec 20, 2023


Beautifully crafted unique avatar placeholder for your next angular project.

🌈 40 Colors
💠 60 Shapes
🆎 Text or Shapes
🤠 Unique to user
✍️ Customizable


With yarn

yarn add @ngneat/avvvatars

With npm

npm install @ngneat/avvvatars

Getting Started

Import @ngneat/avvvatars to your app, then use it anywhere you want.

import { AvvvatarsComponent } from '@ngneat/avvvatars';
selector: 'app-root',
standalone: true,
imports: [AvvvatarsComponent],
template: `
<avvvatars value=""></avvvatars>
export class AppComponent {}

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Checkout documentation at

