Dharmen ShahClose Angular Material Dialog Programmatically🤔 Ever wondered how to close #angular material dialog programmatically?Sep 5Sep 5
Dharmen ShahAdd interactivity to disabled components in Angular MaterialThis is helpful if you want to show matTooltip, but want disabled stylesAug 28Aug 28
Dharmen ShahinJavaScript in Plain EnglishAngular CDK Drag & Drop: Multi Direction MovementIn this quick guide, we will learn how to handle movement in both directions (vertical & horizontal) using Angular CDK Drag & DropAug 25Aug 25
Dharmen ShahNew Course: Angular Material 3 Theming System: Complete GuideIn this course, we will learn about modifying themes and typography and much more using new SASS mixins in Angular Material Components for…Aug 131Aug 131
Dharmen ShahinJavaScript in Plain EnglishRender Angular Components in MarkdownThis example demonstrates renderring of markdown in angular and also how to render angular components in markdown.Jul 6Jul 6
Dharmen ShahVideo: Modify Angular Material (v18) themes with CSS Variables using Theme BuilderIn this video, I am going to explain how to use CSS variables (or CSS Custom Properties) to modify Angular Material themes. Then, I will…Jun 17Jun 17
Dharmen ShahinJavaScript in Plain EnglishTypography in Angular Material 18In this quick guide, we will learn the usage of typography and modifications with CSS variables for Angular Material 18Jun 16Jun 16
Dharmen ShahinJavaScript in Plain EnglishExploring Angular CDK: Creating Context Menu & Text PopoverIn this article, I will showcase context-menu & text-popover built using Angular CDK Overlay.Jun 12Jun 12
Dharmen ShahAngular Material Theming with CSS VariablesIn this quick guide, we will learn how to modify theme for Angular Material 18 with CSS variables.Jun 5Jun 5
Dharmen ShahinJavaScript in Plain EnglishUpdating to Angular Material 18: Keeping Support for Material 2 and Adding Support for Material 3In this quick guide, we will update an Angular project with Angular Material 17 to 18. We will also learn how to keep support for M2 & M3.May 25May 25